valentine's days

a week of good days and good things

Throughout my years of journaling and recording my life in general, I've come to learn one thing about me: I barely write about good days. The bad days are immaculately preserved because I have to rant about them, but the good days get unfairly forgotten.

The bad days shouldn't outweigh the good in my mind and my records, so today marks the start of hopefully recording more of the good days!

Monday, 06/10/24

I hung out with my family! We're usually scattered around, but today we were all finally in the same place. I hugged the dogs and we watched deranged Minecraft videos. They played music videos from Project Sekai and listened to me, someone who's never encountered it in my life, comment on the characters. We ate so many sweet things, too. I've probably given myself cavities.

Now that I'm writing about it, it seems like a perfectly okay day. Nothing too special. But it was the first day since I came home that I marked in my mood tracker as happy, not just okay.

Tuesday, 06/11/24

I've been making good on my promise to myself at the end of the semester that I would go offline and binge-watch Bridgerton. I absolutely love Penelope's glow up. So far, I'm not the biggest fan of Season 3, but maybe that'll change once Part 2 is out.

Wednesday, 06/12/24

Today my family made a whole day out of shopping and brought me back strawberry strudels. I didn't go, so they asked me what I wanted and I said anything was fine, but truthfully I was hoping they would buy strudels.

I also finished Part 1 of Bridgerton Season 3, which concludes (for now) the most unhinged voluntary binge-watching I've ever done in my life. Pray for me when I watch Part 2.

Thursday, 06/13/24

There were blueberry muffins from yesterday too!!!

Friday, 06/14/241

I'm watching Howl's Moving Castle, one of my favorite movies, as I write this. I've watched it so many times that I practically know the whole thing by heart, which is why I'm currently multitasking. Maybe someday I'll write a whole post about it.

When I started writing this post, I didn't think I would have things to say for every day of the week, but I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe the gratitude journal girlies really are onto something. I should do this again.

How was your week?

  1. There's something odd going on with my blog right now where some posts don't display the right date. No, I didn't add this after June 13—I wrote the whole thing on June 14.

#everyday #gratitude