valentine's days

an introduction

Hi! I'm Valentine, a girl who writes too much and yet not enough. This is my first year doing Blaugust. Nice to meet you!

Participation in Blaugust calls for an introduction, which made me realize I never actually introduced myself here. So, here's a short, very overdue one:

I'm a college student who's been immersed in science since childhood. I don't do science here, though, at least for now—this blog is for everything else. I love science and I live in it every day, but I loved writing first, and that's what I do whenever I get the chance.

Valentine's Days is a log of my everyday life, which is mostly college experiences and a mix of things that interest me. I used to worry about having a niche back when I first started blogging in high school, but at this point, I think I've accepted that I'll never be focused enough on just one thing to run a whole blog about it.

Here's to a fun Blaugust!
