valentine's days

becoming a kindle girlie™

Last month I got myself a Kindle after literally half a year of thinking about it and now I have to yap about it. I've read so much.

I thought people were just exaggerating when they said e-readers boost your reading speed, but they really do. I spend so much time on this thing. So far I've read more than 20 books on it in a month, which is crazy to me. I've always been a fast reader, but not that fast. I have more books in my Kindle than on my shelf at this point.

It's also easier to read manga on it than on my phone or laptop, like I used to do. It's a bit small, but it's definitely a step up. Also, some books are so much heavier and I never realized it before. (I'm reading War and Peace right now. I think you get the idea.) And you can read fic on this!! It's never caught on with me because I open a billion AO3 tabs all at once and jump from fic to fic, but I love that it's a possibility.

I thought I'd be more upset by losing the feel and smell and just overall vibe of physical books, but it hasn't really bothered me that much. Maybe it's because I've read hundreds of books on my phone before, and I'm used to not having them all the time. And I still buy physical copies of my books when I can find and afford them, so it's not like I've lost much.

I think I'm emotionally attached to my Kindle at this point...I guess I've truly become a Kindle girlie. It's kind of weird calling myself that, though. When people use it, I feel like there's a certain almost-stereotype they're alluding to, but I can't really identify what it is. It carries a lot of associations from BookTok, which I'm not on and don't really encounter much, so admittedly I don't know a lot about the whole thing. But I am indeed a girl with a Kindle. Kindle girlie. Maybe I'll write about it more someday, if I ever immerse myself enough in BookTok.

I can't believe I've written a whole post yapping about the Kindle before any of the books I've actually read on it. Here's to posting a book review soon!
