valentine's days

blog setup stuff (guestbook!)

In my not-so-free time I've been poking around Bear and the various things you can do to your blog. So far I've found the tags feature, and only the tags feature. Maybe I really am hopeless...

I've also been reading a lot of other blogs. I still haven't mustered up the courage to actually email any of them, though I have left toasts and guestbook entries here and there. Guestbooks are so wild to me. I just set one up because I missed having comments. Who sets up guestbooks in 2024? Me and a ton of people, apparently. I still don't know if anyone is actually reading this, but here is the guestbook in question.

That's it! This is the shortest post I've made on here so far, because I'm still not done studying for an exam that's supposed to take place in a few hours. I'm sorry, I'll stop procrastinating now.
