valentine's days

coming up for air

Junior year. Whew.

I've been slammed with work for the past few weeks (no time to really sit down and go through Bearblog or my mail; my most recent posts were all written on the fly using my phone, or done beforehand and posted on a schedule). Most of it has to do with extracurriculars instead of actual school, and I don't really know how I feel about that. Maybe a little annoyed, but I signed up for this, so it's up to me to work through it.

We've had really bad weather recently, so I spent most of this week holed up in my apartment, existing. I still haven't learned much. I think it's partly because I'm still in some mental fog and partly because I've been taking care of so much org work.

There are so many freshman events to organize. Okay, maybe not that many, but it's all I've been doing these past few weeks. I don't even remember attending most of these back then, but they've always existed, apparently. I guess I was kind of friendless and out of the loop as a freshman...

Anyway. I ended up with more responsibilities than I thought I'd have, so it's been a bit of a mad scramble to get it all done. I've been given the writing task I've done my best to avoid these past few years: post captions. I'm forever in awe of people who actually like writing captions, because I just can't do it without hyping myself up first. I've gotten used to doing it and I can fall into a rhythm now when I do, but sometimes it's still like, ugh, this again...

(I'm real proud whenever I see them posted though, so really, it's a love-hate relationship.)

D-day for this particular event is tomorrow, after which I'll have some time to let things settle a bit before the work starts up again. I only have a few things left to do for it, which is why I'm back here again, writing. Hope you guys are staying hydrated!

#college #everyday