valentine's days

hello, junior year

Now that I've picked a specialization and gotten enrolled, I'm officially a college junior. I've gotten the last of my sophomore year grades—if I can maintain them, I'll graduate cum laude. My drives and devices are pretty much organized. Once I finish tidying up and beating back the endless wave of daily and weekly chores, my space will be good to go, too. It's almost all ready.

I just can't tell if I'm ready, too. I feel the same as ever. I'm just me. I work late at night and swear as a coping mechanism and drink hot chocolate to stay awake because I can't stand coffee. Deep down I know I can weather anything, no matter what, but I can't stop thinking that I'm about to wreck my future somehow. Maybe not wreck, but like, slightly derail. I don't know. I'm going to try my best not to.

I'll be studying a lot of major classes this semester. Most of them are subjects I've never given a lot of thought to before, or even actively avoided. I'm kind of dreading them, but also kind of looking forward to them. Just normal first day feelings. I guess it's a blessing that I'm thinking more about my actual classes than who to sit or eat or chat with in my class. In any case, I know I'll be fine.

#blaugust2024 #college