valentine's days

pink highlights! 🌺🌺🌺

I just finished (for now) messing with the blog's CSS, and I'm unreasonably excited about having little bits of pink all over it. It's funny, because I own maybe like three pink shirts in real life and only use pink to highlight stuff in my notes. But that's real life me, and this is Valentine. Why would I run a site called Valentine's Days without taking the opportunity to add some pink?

Anyway, please select some text, I beg you. I had so much fun relearning CSS and looking up hex codes and fonts. I used this Pantone colors hex code site and Google Fonts. I love that shade of pink. And I love how wide looking Libre Baskerville is. I don't know if that's the right term exactly, but it just feels very readable. Who knows. Maybe I'll go back to good old Georgia next week.

In any case: pink!!!

P.S. I still don't know why the wrong date displays on my posts. Maybe I should stop publishing around midnight.
