valentine's days

running low on inspiration

Lately I've been feeling less and less like writing. Maybe I'm just headed into another slump, one of life's regular downs that'll be followed by another up soon enough, but it's still an unpleasant feeling. Am I losing my creativity? Am I getting too busy to write? I used to be able to write about nothing at all. Now I can't summon the words, even for the most interesting day.

I think I've been swept into the dull flow of everyday life. Lately I've been staying in bed more. Just rotting, as Twitter would call it. My head throbs with the blunt knife of a migraine. I ate cup noodles for two nights in a row last week, some terribly stereotypical college student behavior. I don't really know what's wrong with me.

Perhaps I have too much time on my hands, for the first time in forever. I've been spending it by crawling out of my reading slump, but lately I've been slowing down again. Ugh. Maybe it's the fact that summer term is ending. Or I just need more hobbies. Or I just need to touch grass again.
