valentine's days

will somebody please tell me it's alright to reply to guestbook comments

I put it off for too long because it made me nervous, so now there's six messages and I haven't replied to a single one and it feels rude to reply late now but it would be even ruder to not reply at all (if you're reading this and you're one of them, thank you so much and I am so sorry please know it was really, really appreciated and I read what you said like three times but I haven't mustered up the courage to write back). I'm unhinged. This should not be a problem, but for some reason it is.

But how am I supposed to reply? How does this aspect of blogging work? Am I supposed to go to your guestbook? Or reply through your email? This is such a stupid thing keeping me from interacting with people. Agh. Somebody please tell me I'm being silly and of course it's alright to talk to people.

In any case, I have been reading the guestbook comments and smiling like an idiot. You all are so nice, and I hope you know I appreciate you taking time out of your day to come talk to me. Stay safe and hydrated!!

UPDATE (20/06/24): after almost a month of blogging, I've finally figured out you can reply directly to guestbook comments in the guestbook itself...this is kind of embarrassing. Whoops.
